UBUNTU for the 'LGBTI's 🏳️‍🌈.

By Matheba Paballo.

We are living in a rather different type of generation.Where freedom of expression or rather speech has been promoted.Don't you think it's time we stand up for the ones attracted to same or opposite genders.Its never an easy thing to walk around being pointed at or your gender being questioned.Lets talk about the 'LGBTI'S'. L for lesbians,G for gays,B for bisexuals,T for transgenders and I for intersexuals.Gender differences doesn't literally determine that somebody deserve less humanity treatment.Some call that 'confusions, stupidity and peer pressure'.Nobody chooses who to love and like.Our feelings and hearts are therefore the ones that mislead us sometimes.I figured that some of us are too quick to judge without getting facts right.I can't judge anybody for being gay or lesbian without knowing how their childhood was.Why can't we support and show space of appreciation for them.I now then understand what they meant when they said "knowledge is key".Calling somebody names and trashing their reputation because of who they are or chose to be doesn't fix the country.What happened to promoting 'HIGH SELF-ESTEEM,EQUALITY and TOKEN OF LOVE'.People whom are attracted to same or opposite genders are bullied everyday in our communities.Life it's a journey and getting to know a person it's a very difficult thing.They didn't choose to be that way because they have an agenda,and I don't see the need to develop a vendetta against them.Everybody deserves a chance to talk out an live within their feelings.Everybody has got their own flaws,imperfections and mistakes.But then nobody deserves to live until they rue the day they decided to be themselves.I hear us everyday saying "STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF".But then does this even mean a thing when we no longer stand up for our words.This it's a bold life,in order for you to make it you need to start being bold too.Deciding to live in a different way doesn't mean somebody has a disorder and being gay doesn't determine that somebody has a certain type of disease.We grow in different communities,we don't know how somebody grew up,how he/she was raised,now instead of supporting them we are even making it worser by making them feel like they don't deserve to be loved and cared of.We as the youth of today are supposed to be teaching our parents on how this kind of things work but then instead we are making no progress because we are busy making it sound like a wild thing in our parent's ears.I think it's time our 'LGBTI'S' learn how not to be ashamed of their sexuality and rather be proud and walk with boldness and gloatness on the streets.People will always have something to say wether your living in a good or bad way,but none nevertheless you will make a lot of progress if you stop trying to impress them.

The key it's to build a different way of living,the desire is to see everybody feeling free and the hope is to see everybody having a smile and joy on their faces.Walk out tall and start walking with proudness and no shame on top of your head.Everybody will start being confused and will distance themselves when they see you not being distracted by your acceptance to yourself.They say "you'll need to walk a mile in somebody's shoes in order to understand whom they are".Now don't expect anybody to understand you if they haven't walked the journey you've walked.LOVE,RESPECT and LIVE HAPPILY and last of all bE PROUD OF YOUR SEXUALITY .


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